Posters and Talks


Poster size is 36″ high by 48″ wide.

The closest poster printing option is FedEx Office, a 2-block walk south of the main symposium location at Scott-Bates Commons.

FedEx Poster Printing Services

Pick-Up Location:
FedEx Office Print & Ship Center
3003 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218


Talks will be limited to 15 minutes. We have a very busy schedule and unfortunately cannot make exceptions. Speakers will be notified several minutes before their allotted time ends.

Talks must be in Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) format as they will be presented from a shared Windows PC at the venue. Talks must be uploaded to a designated OneDrive folder 24 hours in advance. OneDrive folder link will be emailed to speakers in advance. Because some fonts and formatting available on Mac will not display properly on Windows, we advise Mac users to check their presentations on Windows before uploading it.